Thermal performance of refrigerated vehicles: in the distribution of fresh salmonin the long distance route from Chile to Brazil


A quantity of fresh salmon, equivalent to 70 carts, arrives weekly from Chile through Brazilian highways. As a specific objective the temperature distribution in the refrigerated transport was mapped, the probable causes of the temperature variation were identified and measures to reduce the risk of events that may affect the temperature variation were proposed. A bibliographic review was carried out addressing products derived from salmon, the importance of the cold chain and quality tools in order to reduce the risk of loss of the product (fresh salmon) due to temperature variation during a long distance transport journey. refrigerated road. The study methodology used was research – action, in which the researcher supported by the bibliographic review collaborated in the development of the solution to a real problem in which he is inserted, seeking to present results and, concomitantly with the action, building applied scientific and academic knowledge. It was found that the cold temperature is not evenly distributed inside the cold room during the journey, where the temperature gradient was quantified. The critical analysis of the results obtained in the transport process was carried out. An Ishikawa diagram was constructed that presents the probable causes of greatest relevance, with emphasis on human failures in the conduct of refrigerated transport (trailer, refrigeration system and refrigerated vehicle), as the most probable cause of the temperature gradient imbalance problem. Neglect, malpractice and recklessness are the most responsible. Another relevant point is the lack of a regulatory body that requires periodic certification of vehicles and their respective refrigeration systems. This is a problem that so far does not seem to have a solution in the short and medium term. Practical suggestions are proposed.

LEITE, Carlos Vieira; MACHADO, Eduardo Luiz Machado. Desempenho térmico de veículos refrigerados na distribuição de salmão fresco: na rota de longa distância do Chile ao Brasil. Revista IPT Tecnologia e Inovação, v.5, n.16, p.38-65, abr., 2021.

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