On the use of blade-section data in the propeller lifting-line theory


This paper aims to present a comparison of three sources of bi-dimensional data for the NACA 66 TMB modified a = 0.8 that can be used in a modern lifting-line formulation for the hydrodynamic analysis of propellers, briefly reviewed herein. The sources – experimental/analytic expression, numerical, and theoretical – are compared to one another and later used in the propeller lifting-line to obtain the thrust and torque versus the advance coefficients; the results are compared to both numerical data from full Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations using commercial software Star- CCM+ and experimental data from the Cavitation Tunnel of the Institute for Technological Research, and corroborate the need for adequate choice of the 2-D data for the lifting-line in order to improve the results in comparison to experimental data. Consequently, the proposed formulation, together with appropriate blade sections data, seems comparable to more complex numerical methods that can be used for the same analysis purposes.

CHREIM, José Rodolfo; PIMENTA, Marcos de Mattos; ESTEVES, Fillipe Rocha; GOMES, Gustavo de Goes; ASSI, Gustavo Roque da Silva; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi. On the use of blade-section data in the propeller lifting-line theoroy. In: ABCM INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 25., 2019, Uberlândia. Proceedings… 10 p.

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