Critical analysis between methods of mapping risks to landslides in Vila Baiana, Guarujá City in the São Paulo State


In Brazil, the most common mapping methods are generally based on qualitative analyzes, for many reasons, one of those is the lack of reliable natural disasters databases. In 2003, started the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR), using a geological risk mapping method developed by the Institute for Technological Research and published jointly with the Ministry of Cities in 2007. In 2013, a new risk mapping method was proposed by the Integrated Management of Natural Hazards and Disasters Project at the Brazilian Geological Survey. This study makes a critical analysis between these two mapping risks to landslides methods applied in Vila Baiana area in the Guarujá city-SP. The results of the Guarujá Municipal Risk Reduction Plan (PMRR) were compared with those results obtained from the new method described in the Manual of Hazard Mapping and Risk to Mass Gravitational Movements of 2018.

HIRATA, Priscila Taminato; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de. Análise crítica entre métodos de mapeamento de riscos a escorregamentos na Vila Baiana, município de Guarujá, SP. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDUÇÃODE RISCOS E DESASTRES, 3., 2019, Belém. Anais… 9 p.

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