An important condition to be considered in the design of reinforced concrete structures in the marine environment is the corrosion of carbon steel reinforcement due to the presence of chloride ions. Among the several known ways to mitigate corrosion and to extend the service life of the structure, we have the technique of impressed current cathodic protection (PCCI) that is the subject of this article. The PCCI system operation, before and after the establishment of the corrosive process in the reinforcement of new structures, was simulated in specimens (CPs) submitted to cycles of contamination with saline solution. The results showed the need for periodic adjustments in the system to attend the established criteria. The system operation for the passive steel condition required a lower protection current density than the required to the operation after the establishment of the active state of corrosion.
ARAUJO, Adriana de; CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; RIBEIRO, José Luis Serra; ROSA, Thales Gomes; BRAGA, Marcos Vinícius da Silva; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Avaliação da proteção catódica em corpos de prova de concreto com armadura em estado passivo a ativo de corrosão. Corrosão e Proteção, v.16, n.67, p.10-22, abr.-maio-jun., 2019.
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An important condition to be considered in the design of reinforced concrete structures in the marine environment is the corrosion of carbon steel reinforcement due to the presence of chloride ions. Among the several known ways to mitigate corrosion and to extend the service life of the structure, we have the technique of impressed current cathodic protection (PCCI) that is the subject of this article. The PCCI system operation, before and after the establishment of the corrosive process in the reinforcement of new structures, was simulated in specimens (CPs) submitted to cycles of contamination with saline solution. The results showed the need for periodic adjustments in the system to attend the established criteria. The system operation for the passive steel condition required a lower protection current density than the required to the operation after the establishment of the active state of corrosion.
ARAUJO, Adriana de; CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; RIBEIRO, José Luis Serra; ROSA, Thales Gomes; BRAGA, Marcos Vinícius da Silva; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Avaliação da proteção catódica em corpos de prova de concreto com armadura em estado passivo a ativo de corrosão. Corrosão e Proteção, v.16, n.67, p.10-22, abr.-maio-jun., 2019.
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