The influence of rolling mil process parameters on roll thermal fatigue


This study analyzes the impact of operational parameters of hot rolling mill in the degradation process of a roll surface by thermal fatigue.A methodology was developed to determine a coefficient that could identify when operational parameters become crucial to initiate this degradation process. This new coefficient, named the surface damage coefficient (κ), is correlated with the calculated plastic strain, allowing inclusion in a model to predict the roll life. Experiments were conducted in three industrial rolling mills, and the results showed that for a κ value above 375, it is possible to identify failure by thermal fatigue, while values below this limit indicate that other damage mechanisms predominate.

WEIDLICH, Felipe; BRAGA, Ana Paola Villalva; LIMA, Luiz; BOCCALINI JUNIOR, Mario; SOUZA, Roberto. The influence of rolling mil process parameters on roll thermal fatigue. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Tecnhology, 2019. Available at: Accessed on Feb 19th. 2019.

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