Emission of chlorine compounds in the combustion, gasification and pyrolysis of sugar cane straw


Sugarcane straw has great potential as an energy input for mills, although its use is still very incipient when compared to sugarcane bagasse, since the amount of straw generated in the field and its energy content are approximately equal to those of the bagasse. The most common destination for straw resulting from cane harvesting is to be left on the field, where the mechanized harvest prevails, or to be burned at the field, where the harvest is still manual. Among the difficulties of using straw as an input, which involve the cost of transporting from the field to the mill and others, an aggravating factor is the corrosion of the steam pipes during the combustion of the straw in the boilers, with the formation of additional atmospheric pollutants in the burning of bagasse. The occurrence of corrosion may be associated with the higher chlorine content of the straw, in relation to the bagasse. Aiming at contributing to the understanding of the corrosion problems faced in boilers that burn sugarcane straw in Brazil, this article presents some mechanisms of formation of chlorine compounds generated in the combustion, gasification and pyrolysis of chlorinated biomasses obtained from the literature. The qualification of the IPT Thermal Engineering Laboratory is also described. Using a combustion, gasification and pyrolysis equipment in laboratory scale, installed in 2017 in this Lab, it is possible toexperimentally evaluate the emissions and effluents generated in the combustion, gasification and pyrolysis of agricultural, urban and industrial wastes.

USHIMA, Ademar Hakuo; FRANCA, Gabriela Papoulias. Emissão de compostos clorados na combustão, gaseificação e pirólise de palha de cana de açúcar. Revista IPT: Tecnologia e Inovação, v.2, n.8, p.37-47, ago., 2018.

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