Development of a method for elaboration of environmental compensation projects


In São Paulo, the environmental compensation related to the suppression of native vegetation and to the intervention in Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) generally requires the establishment of the Environmental Recovery Commitment Agreement (ERCA) between the environmental agency and the entrepreneur. Being a self-declaratory process, the environmental licensing sometimes fails to establish a connection between the environmental assessment, the analysis of impacts and the proposed mitigation and compensation – important steps to ensure the environmental quality of the project. In this context, this paper presents an environmental assessment method based on specific criteria to subsidize environmental compensation projects in order to increase the environmental gains. The method was applied in an area under environmental licensing for a work to be done in the Tietê-Paraná Waterway whose environmental compensation project includes planting tree seedlings to meet the ERCA related to the elimination of isolated trees and intervention in PPA. The proposed location for the areas of environmental compensation was set in order to increase the size and the connectivity and modify the shape of four existing fragments. The environmental assessment included the identification of disturbance factors and evidence of degradation which allowed recognizing the different environmental conditions of the area and the zoning of the planting areas. For each zoning-class specific strategies for recovery were defined regarding the actions of conservation, the management and the ecological restoration, allowing the optimization of the environmental gains from the implementation of environmental recovery projects.

LONGO, Maria Hortelani Carneseca; SOUZA, Caroline Almeida; MACHADO, Aline Ribeiro; SOLERA, Maria Lucia; SILVA, Ana Paula de Souza. Desenvolvimento de método para elaboração de projetos de compensação ambiental. Revista IPT Tecnologia e Inovação, v.1, n.5, p. 6-16, ago., 2017.

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