Desenvolvimento de método para medição de isolação sonora em fachada em andares elevados atendendo à norma ABNT NBR 15575


The ABNT NBR 15575 is the Brazilian standard used as reference for evaluating the performance of residential buildings. It establishes criteria for evaluating the acoustic insulation between internal and external vertical elements of buildings. At upper floors, operational difficulties to measure the insulation between the inner and outer areas are found, such as the placement of speakers at the same level of the façade and the allocation of the microphone two meters away from the façade, implying risk of damage to the equipment and to those who do the work, in addition to the necessity of special fastening equipment to keep them in the right positions. This article presents the partial results of the development of measurement method in order to enable determination, with low experimental uncertainty, of the sound insulation of façades in situations of difficult access to its elements. So far, we have investigated the feasibility of standardizing the acoustic measurements with the microphone close to the façades, comparing the results obtained by measuring the sound pressure level two meters away from the façade and close to its surface. The partial data analysis suggests we will be able to obtain correction factors which indicate adequate standard of reproducibility.

BAYEH, Rebeca; AKUTSU, Maria; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello; SALES, Elisa Morande; BRITO, Adriana Camargo; VITTORINO, Fulvio. Desenvolvimento de método para medição de isolação sonora em fachada em andares elevados atendendo à norma ABNT NBR 15575. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Desafios e perspectivas da internacionalização da construção, 16., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2016. p. 517-523.

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