Effect of fiber addition on slow crack growth o a dental porcelain


To evaluate the effect of the processing method (conventional sintering, S, and heat-pressing, HP) and addition of potassium titanate fibers, PTF, on the microstructure, mechanical properties (flexural strength, σf, and Weibull parameters, m and σ5%), slow crack growth parameters n (stress corrosion susceptibility coefficient), and optical properties (translucency parameter, TP, and opalescence index, OI) of a feldsphatic dental porcelain. The highest n value was obtained by the combination of heat-pressing with fiber addition (37.1) and this value was significantly higher than those obtained by both sintered groups (26.2 for control group and 27.7 for sintered with fiber). Although heat-pressing alone also resulted in higher n values compared to the sintered groups, there were no significant differences among them. Fiber addition had no effect on mechanical strength, but it resulted in decreased TP values and increased OI values for both processing methods. Heat-pressing alone was able to reduce the porosity level of the porcelain. Addition of PTF combined with heat-pressing can reduce strength degradation of a dental porcelain compared to sintered materials with or without fibers. Heat-pressing (HP) alone should be considered as a good alternative for clinical cases where high translucency is required.

ARAÚJO, Maico Dutra de; MIRANDA, Ranulfo Benedito de Paula; FREDERICCI, Cátia; YOSHIMURA, Humberto Naoyuki; CESAR, Paulo Francisco. Effect of fiber addition on slow crack growth o a dental porcelain. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, v.44, p.85-95, 2015.

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