Entraves ao estabelecimento de acordos multilaterais no âmbito da OMC


In a moment of multilateralism crisis, the WTO launched the Doha Round in an attempt to strengthen its trading system. However, the new round began an impasse sequence resulting in the weakening of multilateral trade negotiations. While Doha has innovated in some aspects of its agenda, as the focus on economic and social development of undeveloped countries, its reality is of wide divergence in the negotiations, which have been stalled several times. In an attempt to boost trade, countries have started to look more frequently for bilateral and regional preferential agreements, deteriorating the already weakened multilateralism. The 2007 global financial crisis aggravated this situation. Moreover, the election of a Brazilian for the position of general manager, in 2013, and the achievement relatively successful of the Ministerial Conference in Bali may be the beginning of the reestablishment of Doha. From documentary research, literature review and interviews, this paper seeks to explain how we arrived this situation in multilateral trade routes, listing and discussing its causes and consequences.

MENEZES, Tais Cristina de; MACHADO, Eduardo Luiz. Entraves ao estabelecimento de acordos multilateriais no âmbito da OMC. In: CICLO DE DEBATES EM ECONOMIA INDUSTRIAL, TRABALHO E TECNOLOGIA, 13., 2015, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: PUC, Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Economia Política, Grupo de Pesquisa em Economia Industrial, Trabalho e Tecnologia, 2015. p. 44-62.

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