This paper discusses the issues involved inspecting by X-ray tomography objects composed of more than one material. It addresses. It addresses the following measurement cases: continuity analysis in copper wire insulation layer, alignment analysis between a metallic shaft and its plastic body; analysis of the distribution of different materials inside a concrete sample
SILVA, Diogo Cesar Borges; BALDO, Crhistian Raffaelo; YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru. Desafios envolvidos na medição de componentes compostos por mais de um material utilizando tomografia computadorizada por absorção de raios X. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 4 p.
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This paper discusses the issues involved inspecting by X-ray tomography objects composed of more than one material. It addresses. It addresses the following measurement cases: continuity analysis in copper wire insulation layer, alignment analysis between a metallic shaft and its plastic body; analysis of the distribution of different materials inside a concrete sample
SILVA, Diogo Cesar Borges; BALDO, Crhistian Raffaelo; YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru. Desafios envolvidos na medição de componentes compostos por mais de um material utilizando tomografia computadorizada por absorção de raios X. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais… 4 p.
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