Study of organic coatings for carbon steel protection in offshore marine environments


The Brazilian oil industry has required continuous studies of coatings in order to limited the number and the period of maintenance of structures and equipment and also to cause less impact on the environment and human health. This paper presents the development of a methodology to evaluate the performance of organic coatings with such features as well as traditional market coatings. The results obtained are also presented.. For this study, tests were performed on an offshore natural environment, in an especially designed floating laboratory. In this laboratory, conditions were established to expose the coatings to the local atmosphere, sea water and its waves and splashes. Two tanks were designed to simulate the storage tanker of crude oil (petroleum) and salt water (ballast). Different paint schemes were applied on the internal surfaces of these tanks, on the lab floats and on specimens installed on panels partially immersed in the sea and on deck racks. The performance of the coatings was evaluated by visual inspection. Each defect observed was scored (zero to 10). Using the sum of the scored values ,an overall performance of the coatings was obtained. After about three years of exposure, some defects were observed in most of the coatings, especially in those exposed to the marine atmosphere. In most anti-fouling coatings, it was difficult to remove the fouling from the surface of the coatings.

ARAUJO, A.; ALMEIDA, N.L.; PANOSSIAN, Z.; ALMEIDA, M.B.; FARIA, E.A.; PIMENTA, G.S; QUINTELA,J.P;VIEIRA,G.V. Estudo de revestimentos orgânicos na proteção do aço-carbono em ambiente marinho offshore. In: CONFERÊNCIA SOBRE TECNOLOGIA DE EQUIPAMENTOS, 11.,  2011, Porto de Galinhas. Anais…

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