Fluid flow, volume and speed metering

The exact measurement and precise control of fluid flow and volume is important in industrial processes because they directly affect product quality, plant operational safety, economic and commercial aspects, and the fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements. Fluid metrology is crucial in areas such as medicine and health, environment, biotechnology, instrumentation and in academic research.

The main characteristic required of a gauge or a flow metering system is its metrological reliability. To this end, IPT offers services for calibration and checking of fluid flow, volume and velocity, thereby providing support to the country’s various productive, commercial and scientific sectors in their pursuit of metrological quality and reliability.

IPT’s laboratories use standards that enable them to perform metrological activities under different conditions and operating ranges, thus constituting the most comprehensive group of installations for testing and calibrating water, oil and gas meters as well as fluid speed metering systems in the country.

In addition to calibration services, the laboratories perform tests for approval of models of gas and fluids flow meters for INMETRO, which involve, among other things, testing of indicator accuracy, repetitiveness, premature wear and effects of disturbances caused by valves and connections installed in close proximity to the meter.

IPT’s laboratories, which operate according to laboratory quality systems that comply with the requirements of the NBR ISO 17025: 2005 standard, are accredited by the General Coordination for Accreditation (CGCRE) of INMETRO and are members of the Brazilian Calibration Network (RBC).

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