Life cycle assessment applied to technology for the remediation of contaminated sites: a case study with chemical oxidation


The remediation of contaminated areas comprises the rehabilitation of a region through the removal, containment or reduction of contaminant concentrations. Despite the remediation solve problems related to environmental and public health, the technological used can cause environmental impacts associated with resource use, emissions and transformation of the area. This case study aimed at quantifying the environmental impacts associated with the treatment of an area contaminated with tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene and 1, 1, 2, 2-tetrachlooethane by chemical oxidation through the life cycle assessment method. The contaminated area is located in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), and had hosted a factory where the main industrial process developed was electroplating. Methods the GaBi 4.0 software was used for modeling the life cycle, and TRACI was the selected method for the life cycle impact assessment once it has been the most widely method used in studies of life cycle assessment applied to remediation technologies. Results among the environmental impact associated to the process of rehabilitation of the contaminated area, entitled secondary impacts, a high impact associated with soil acidification was noticed due to the pH reduction caused by the addition of oxidizing agents in the treatment

TEIXEIRA, Claudia Echevenguá; ARDUIN, Rachel Horta; SANCHEZ JR., Oswaldo; CUNHA, Ana Carolina La Laina, MAXIMIANO, Alexandre. Life cycle assessment applied to technology for the remediation of contaminated sites: a case study with chemical oxidation. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT, 5., CILCA, 2013, Mendoza, Argentina. Sustainability metrics from cradle to grave. Mendoza, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional de Mendoza, 2013. p. 490-496.

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