Validation of urban flood mapping using hec-hms and hec-ras models with data from topographic maps and srtm


In this paper, hydrological and hydraulic models, HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS, respectively, were coupled to topographic data with from 1:10,000 scale IGC mapping and SRTM in order to obtain flood maps without using real field data. These maps could be used as urban planning tools when implementing measures aimed at reducing the consequences of the flooding events. When evaluating a 500-year flood occurred in Lençóis Paulista, this paper concludes that it is feasible to produce flood maps without real field data, especially when HEC-RAS model is linked to a good quality Digital Terrain Model, although some field information could help to improve the obtained results. It was also possible to conclude that the SRTM could be used on macro scale mappings that can be used to plan the occupation in larger river basins.

FALCETTA, Filipe Antonio Marques; CORSI, Alessandra C. Validação de mapeamento de inundações urbanas utilizando os modelos HE-HMS e HEC-RAS acopladas a dados de cartas topográficas e da SRTM. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 22., 2017, Florianópolis. Anais… 8p.

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