Quality control in wood preservation


The importance of the wood preservation in Brazil is directly related to the decrease in pressure on native forests. Is an incentive for reforestation in Brazil, because the species planted here – pine and eucalyptus – once properly treated, have an increase in their life, which may replace the native species . However, for the timber coming from reforestation to replace a native species, the chemical treatment used in preserving plants have to be properly monitored and treated wood produced must go through quality control to ensure the parameters established in technical standards sector. Currently, many preserving plants work without proper registration with IBAMA and treated wood that produce does not meet the minimum requirements for use as poles, fence posts, sleepers and parts for construction. Technical standards recently published by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards , as the NBR 16143 – Preservation of timber – System use categories and NBR 6232 – Penetration and retention of preservatives in pressure treated wood are important tools for the production of treated wood quality . This work aims to show the experience of the Technological Research Institute of São Paulo in quality control of preserved wood.

SILVA, Gisleine Aparecida da. O controle de qualidade na preservação de madeiras. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO EM MADEIRAS E EM ESTRUTURAS DE MADEIRA, 14., 2014, Natal. Anais… 7 p.

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