Intervenções estruturais adaptadas a assentamentos precários urbanos: caso PMRR do Guarujá


The Municipal Risk Reduction Plan (PMRR) is prepared by a specialist based on the knowledge about landslides risks and related processes in the precarious settlements, through sectorization, estimation of affected dwellings and analysis of the degree of risk. In addition to this mapping, the PMRR contemplates structural interventions to reduce the risk of High (R3) or Very High (R4) to least Middle (R2) risk. The proposition of such works must be performed for each process. The implementation of the interventions is aimed at a lower impact on the dwellings installed, and there may be indications of permanent and / or temporary removal. Removal costs and social impacts are usually not assessed in intervention projects, but in the case of PMRR this should be included. Social impacts cannot be neglected and are not usually evaluated by municipalities, which sometimes do not have the financial resources and places to relocate the residents. So the social cost can become a bigger problem than the cost of the works. This paper presents a suggestion to adapt the works to the environment and to the available resources of the municipality, guaranteeing their efficiency as regards the associated risk. In this case, the vision of the professional would not only be the work, but the many impacts that each can cause to the community. Also presented are some solutions adopted in the Guarujá PMRR by the IPT team. The proposed solutions prioritize execution of drainage network, cleaning, slope rebates, shifting and bending walls, when necessary.

SILVA, Marcela Penha Guimarães da; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; MIRANDOLA, Fabrício Araújo; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina. Intervenções estruturais adaptadas a assentamentos precários urbanos: caso PMRR do Guarujá. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 10 p.

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