Engineered wood constructions in Brazil: the challenge of protection against biodeterioration for market growth


This paper presents some thoughts about Brazilian wood constructions market regarding to biodeterioration and protection against biodeterioration, especially termites. Despite of being a forestry country, there is no tradition in wood engineered buildings and some prejudice must be overcome. New companies are interested in this market and as a continental country, different problems regarding of climate variation and termite distribution should be studied to make wood construction works properly, with safety and performance for, at least, 50 years long. We suggest some procedures for biodeterioration, integrating project, use of chemicals, continuous monitoring and specific tests with Brazilian conditions to guarantee the sustainability and performance. We believe that this will make people choose for wood construction buildings and developing market.

DI ROMAGNANO, Ligia Ferrari Torella; BRAZOLIN, Sérgio; SILVA, Gisleine Aparecida da; LOPEZ, Gonzalo Antonio Carballeira. Engineered wood constructions in Brazil: the challenge of protection against biodeterioration for market growth.In: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GROUP ON WOOD PROTECTION SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON WOOD PROTECTION, 12nd., 2019, Quebec City. Proceedings… 5p.

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