Vapor treatment systems are critical for pollutant concentration and capture for proper disposal of some soil and groundwater remediation processes. Information was collected on the treatment of contaminated vapors from remediation systems, as remediation projects often result in the transfer of organic contaminants to the vapor phase. Remediation techniques that generate discharges of air pollutants include soil vapor extraction, multiphase extraction, and heat treatment. The aim of this research was to investigate if there is a possibility of creating vapor treatment systems that improve the efficiency of processes involved in remediation and if there are international regulations for this issue.
ARAUJO, Marcela Maciel de. Descargas de poluentes no ar oriundos de sistemas de remediação de solo/água subterrâneas contendo compostos orgânicos em fase vapor. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBTERRÂNEO, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENT, 6., 2019, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 4 p.
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Vapor treatment systems are critical for pollutant concentration and capture for proper disposal of some soil and groundwater remediation processes. Information was collected on the treatment of contaminated vapors from remediation systems, as remediation projects often result in the transfer of organic contaminants to the vapor phase. Remediation techniques that generate discharges of air pollutants include soil vapor extraction, multiphase extraction, and heat treatment. The aim of this research was to investigate if there is a possibility of creating vapor treatment systems that improve the efficiency of processes involved in remediation and if there are international regulations for this issue.
ARAUJO, Marcela Maciel de. Descargas de poluentes no ar oriundos de sistemas de remediação de solo/água subterrâneas contendo compostos orgânicos em fase vapor. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBTERRÂNEO, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENT, 6., 2019, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 4 p.
Document with restricted access. Login to BiblioInfo, Library/IPT-DAIT to access PDF text: