Metropolitan environmental risk management group and the risk management plan of the metropolitan region of São Paulo


The Metropolitan Thematic Group for Environmental and Urban Risk Management wasformalized at the São Paulo Metropolitan Region Development Council at the end of 2014, and since then its activities have focused on discussion of metropolitan urban environmental risks management, aiming to articulate and integrate the municipalities of the RMSP. Since January 2015, when the Metropolis Statute was been sanctioned, the Integrated Urban Development Plan and the elaboration of the Risk Management Plan have become the main themes developed by members participating in ordinary and extraordinary meetings. In 1ºCBRRD, held in Curitiba in 2016, the article “Management of urban environmental risks in the RMSP: the creation of the Thematic Chamber and its articulations” was presented regarding the creation of CTM-GERAU (when it was still denominated) and what actions and responsibilities. After three years of intense work, here is present its main products and results.

FIGUEIRA, Ronaldo Malheiros; CANIL, Kátia; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de. Câmara metropolitana de gestão de riscos ambientais e o plano de gestão de riscos da região metropolitana de São Paulo. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE REDUÇÃO DE RISCOS E DESASTRES, 3., 2019, Belem. Anais… 9 p. 

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