A determinação da profundidade de um elemento de fundição utilizando o ensaio sísmico paralelo (parellel seismic)


The Seismic Parallel test was developed in France and is a geophysical technique well established, however, with little application in engineering in Brazil. It is an important technique for evaluation of deep existing foundations which do not possess the design documentation. This paper presents a case study to determine the depth of the telecommunications tower foundation of the self-supporting type and low base where the type of foundation element occurs in caisson without broad-based, on a sandy clayey silt soil. The result was very promising and expands the possibilities in the field tests in Brazil for the foundation research.

GANDOLFO, Otávio Coaracy Brasil; SOUZA, Tiago de Jesus; AOKI, Paulo Cezar; HEMSI, Paulo Sarano. A determinação da profundidade de um elemento de fundição utilizando o ensaio sísmico paralelo (parellel seismic). Fundações & Obras Geotécnicas, Ano 5, n.55, p.54-58, abr., 2015.

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