This paper presents seismographic monitoring results in four cases where the vibrations were felt by the people due to: intermittent occurrences, ,that even being of small intensity, the source is unknown and when known, has the sensation that the levels can be dangerous for the construction civil. The values of the vibration levels presented in monitored cases can be higher in different terrain and construction conditions, but their characteristics helps, for example, in their identification (vibrations cease to occur when the trains are not circulating) or even show that the effects of the vibrations can be felt at a large distance (vibration in a building located at 900 m from the megaevent arena).
RIBOTTA, Luis Carlos; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli. Vibração, sentiu? : Qual a origem e intensidade?. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 10 p.
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This paper presents seismographic monitoring results in four cases where the vibrations were felt by the people due to: intermittent occurrences, ,that even being of small intensity, the source is unknown and when known, has the sensation that the levels can be dangerous for the construction civil. The values of the vibration levels presented in monitored cases can be higher in different terrain and construction conditions, but their characteristics helps, for example, in their identification (vibrations cease to occur when the trains are not circulating) or even show that the effects of the vibrations can be felt at a large distance (vibration in a building located at 900 m from the megaevent arena).
RIBOTTA, Luis Carlos; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli. Vibração, sentiu? : Qual a origem e intensidade?. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 16., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 10 p.
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