The use of rainwater, is often seen as a technical rather simple, low cost, easy to apply and provides good quality water. This apparent simplicity leads to misconceptions that great knowledge is not necessary for your application, or even large investments for its realization. Despite the apparent simplicity, the use of rainwater requires verification of the technical and economic feasibility for implementation, there are rare situations where the system seems hardly feasible, especially when assessed from financial interests of potential individual users are families of residents , companies or even government agencies. Despite the fundamental importance of technical feasibility is not uncommon, the economic and financial viability is considered mandatory as the option of using or not the systems capture and use rainwater in urban areas, but the scope of the analysis may not be sufficient to estimate adequately the benefits of this system, since each decision, whether technical or economic, takes into account the views of stakeholders on the system. The system can be evaluated from various spheres of analysis, considering the various stakeholders who use the same object, but with different purposes, resulting, ultimately, results of feasibility that may differ as to the implementation of the system
ZANELLA, Luciano. Viabilidade técnica e econômica da capatçã de água de chuva no meio urbano. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE CAPTAÇÃO E MANEJO DE ÁGUA DE CHUVA, 8., 2012, Campina Grande. Anais… Petrolina: ABCMAC, 2012. 7p.
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The use of rainwater, is often seen as a technical rather simple, low cost, easy to apply and provides good quality water. This apparent simplicity leads to misconceptions that great knowledge is not necessary for your application, or even large investments for its realization. Despite the apparent simplicity, the use of rainwater requires verification of the technical and economic feasibility for implementation, there are rare situations where the system seems hardly feasible, especially when assessed from financial interests of potential individual users are families of residents , companies or even government agencies. Despite the fundamental importance of technical feasibility is not uncommon, the economic and financial viability is considered mandatory as the option of using or not the systems capture and use rainwater in urban areas, but the scope of the analysis may not be sufficient to estimate adequately the benefits of this system, since each decision, whether technical or economic, takes into account the views of stakeholders on the system. The system can be evaluated from various spheres of analysis, considering the various stakeholders who use the same object, but with different purposes, resulting, ultimately, results of feasibility that may differ as to the implementation of the system
ZANELLA, Luciano. Viabilidade técnica e econômica da capatçã de água de chuva no meio urbano. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE CAPTAÇÃO E MANEJO DE ÁGUA DE CHUVA, 8., 2012, Campina Grande. Anais… Petrolina: ABCMAC, 2012. 7p.
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