Protected urban áreas and favelas in São Paulo, Brazil: the transformation of Vila Nova Esperança


This report on Vila Nova Esperança, a favela in São Paulo, Brazil, points to how the conflict between environmentally protected urban areas and informal low-income settlements can be resolved. The Vila Nova Esperança favela, located in the west of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, within the São Paulo and Taboão da Serra municipal boundaries, currently houses around 3000 people in 600 homes. The land area occupied by the favela is in the midst of a repossession process. One of the arguments favoring repossession is that the residents are degrading the area and harming the environment by accumulating garbage. In a bid to halt the repossession process, the community leader has encouraged favela residents to take an interest in environmental education. This has included implementing a number of initiatives such as organizing a community garden for residents to grow their own food, and a community kitchen. To monitor these developments we used structured interviews with community residents and their leader, together with a number of people responsible for implementing public policies in the housing and environmental spheres. The results show that it is possible to balance favela issues with environmental protection.

SGARBI, Allyne; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; ABIKO, Alex. Protected urban areas and favelas in São Paulo, Brazil: the transformation of Vila Nova Esperança. In: CIB WORLD BUILDING CONGRESS CONSTRUCTING SMART CITIES, 2019, Hong Kong, 2019. Proceedings… 11 p.

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