The aim of this work is to gather information of current laws applicable in São Paulo State, as well as presenting technologies commonly used for the control of industrial odors. A bibliographical survey was carried out from which the laws # 9,477, of December 30th, 1996; articles 2 and 14 of the Law # 997, of May 31st, 1976; and articles 33 and 38 of Decree # 8,468, of September 8th, 1976. The physical adsorption, the condensation, the masking and neutralization, the absorption (liquid washing), the thermal oxidation, the chemical oxidation and the biological methods were the most used technologies for odor control.
NABESHIMA, Alberto Hideki; MODESTO, Danilo Lanzieri; USTRA, Guilherme Recuero; ALVAREZ, Tiaya Gallo; DERENZO, Silas. Controle de odor na indústria: legislação atual e as alternativas de tratamento. Revista IPT: Tecnologia e Inovação, v.3, n.12, p.91-108, dez., 2019.
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The aim of this work is to gather information of current laws applicable in São Paulo State, as well as presenting technologies commonly used for the control of industrial odors. A bibliographical survey was carried out from which the laws # 9,477, of December 30th, 1996; articles 2 and 14 of the Law # 997, of May 31st, 1976; and articles 33 and 38 of Decree # 8,468, of September 8th, 1976. The physical adsorption, the condensation, the masking and neutralization, the absorption (liquid washing), the thermal oxidation, the chemical oxidation and the biological methods were the most used technologies for odor control.
NABESHIMA, Alberto Hideki; MODESTO, Danilo Lanzieri; USTRA, Guilherme Recuero; ALVAREZ, Tiaya Gallo; DERENZO, Silas. Controle de odor na indústria: legislação atual e as alternativas de tratamento. Revista IPT: Tecnologia e Inovação, v.3, n.12, p.91-108, dez., 2019.
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