Corante natural e produção local


Based on the impacts generated by the textile industry, discussions have emerged regarding some processes and products used in the textile chain and these had shown new perspectives for designers. Due to the toxic effluents generated by certain synthetic dyes, natural dyes are increasingly being contemplated as an alternative to textile dyeing. However, to be considered socially and environmentally sustainable, the natural dyes must be thought of in terms different from those proposed by the current fashion consumption and production system. In this perspective, this study aims to discuss ways of application of natural dyes in Brazil within an viable scenario, emphasizing alternative ways of production, consumption and supply of these natural dyes for the industry. This discussion was constructed using literature review, with main focus on design. The local production, on the conception of slow fashion, show to be the viable way for the consolidation of the use of these dyes

SILVA, Patrícia Muniz dos Santos; QUEIROZ, Rayana Santiago de; ROSSI, Ticiane ; ARAÚJO, Maurício de Campos . Corante natural e produção local. In: CONGRESSO CIENTÍFICO TÊXTIL E MODA – CONTEXMOD, 5., 2017, São Paulo. Anais… 10 p.

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