The electrochemical stability of carbon steel in concrete is due to the formation of a film of iron oxides and layers of portlandita on its surface. Under certain conditions, such as the presence of voids, this stability may be impaired, leaving the steel susceptible to premature corrosion. This was verified in field inspections of steel reinforcement of structural air-entrained concrete walls and in complementary tests which showed the low quality of the concretes, having high concentration of voids. The corrosion in porous concrete and the results obtained in field and in laboratory tests are discussed in this paper.
ARAUJO, Adriana de; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; OLIVEIRA, Mírian Cruxên Barros de; PAULA, Nilson. Corrosão prematura em armadura de aço-carbono de paredes de concreto com ar incorporado. In: ENCONTRO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE DEGRADAÇÃO EM ESTRUTURAS DE CONCRETO ARMADO, 1., 2014, Salvador. Anais… 16 p.
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The electrochemical stability of carbon steel in concrete is due to the formation of a film of iron oxides and layers of portlandita on its surface. Under certain conditions, such as the presence of voids, this stability may be impaired, leaving the steel susceptible to premature corrosion. This was verified in field inspections of steel reinforcement of structural air-entrained concrete walls and in complementary tests which showed the low quality of the concretes, having high concentration of voids. The corrosion in porous concrete and the results obtained in field and in laboratory tests are discussed in this paper.
ARAUJO, Adriana de; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour; OLIVEIRA, Mírian Cruxên Barros de; PAULA, Nilson. Corrosão prematura em armadura de aço-carbono de paredes de concreto com ar incorporado. In: ENCONTRO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE DEGRADAÇÃO EM ESTRUTURAS DE CONCRETO ARMADO, 1., 2014, Salvador. Anais… 16 p.
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