Corrosion of ZrO2-based refractory ceramic by sugarcane ash in a reducing atmospher


Although sugarcane bagasse is used for energy cogeneration in sugar and alcohol plants, an alternative to bagasse surplus is its gasification generating Syngas (mixture of CO and H2). An important aspect of the synthesis gas production routes is the knowledge of the reactivity of the ash from the bagasse with the refractory material coating the inner layer of the gasifier. The objective of this work was to study the reactivity of a bagasse ash with a ZrO2 refractory ceramic at 1350 oC/3h in an atmosphere with 2.5 % H2, 77.3 % CO and 20.2 % CO2 (% by volume). Zirconia reacted with silica, presented in the composition of the ash, and formed zirconite (ZrSiO4) that was observed in the interface of ZrO2/ash by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDS).

FREDERICCI, Catia; RIBEIRO, Tiago R. Corrosão de cerâmica refratária à base de ZrO2 por cinza de cana-de-açúcar em atmosfera redutora. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CERÂMICA, 61., 2017, Gramado. Anais… p.1146-1155.

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