Abrasion-corrosion of grinding media in the comminution of iron ore


This work analyzed the effect of corrosion on the wear of balls made of steel and high chromium cast iron, while grinding iron ore, by means of electrochemical tests and wear tests conducted in a laboratory mill. A modification of the traditional potenciodynamic test is proposed, using iron ore slurry at 70% w/w as an electrolyte. The results of the polarization curves were compatible with those from the wear tests, as the curves corresponding to the condition in which the metal showed the more active behavior were associated to the lower wear rates in the wear rates in the wear tests, suggesting that the modified polarization tests can be used as a indicative of the metal alloy behavior while the grinding iron ore. The effect of corrosion was not significant in wear of both the types of balls tested

MASSOLA, Camila Peres; SANTOS, Célia Aparecida Lino dos; ALBERTIN, Eduardo; CHAVES, Arthur Pinto. Abrasão-corrosão em corpos moedores na moagem de minério de ferro. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE MINÉRIO DE FERRO, 16., Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: ABM, 2015. 10 p.

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