Simulações de diferentes configurações de anodos em sistema de proteção catódica por corrente impressa da área externa de fundo de tanques de armazenamento


Unnecessary costs can be avoided using numeric simulations to project cathodic protection systems in industrial facilities. The goal of this study is to employ numeric simulation to define the best configuration of an impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system against corrosion of the external face in an atmospheric storage tank (AST) bottom. Results of the simulation of shallow anodes (5 cm under the tank bottoms) are coherent with the measurements obtained on a prototype of tank bottom. However, early simulations of vertical anodes were not successful, indicating that this simulation requires a specific condition to succeed. Thus, considering the soil consumption of oxygen during the reduction reaction, the oxygen was removed from the solution used to obtain polarization curves for the simulation. Then, the results obtained in this new condition indicated a coherent response when compared to the expected profile of polarization of vertical anodes.

CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; ALMEIDA, Neusvaldo Lira de; SANTOS, Fabiano Raymundo dos; PIMENTA, Gutemberg de Souza; LAURINO, Eduardo Wlaudemir. Simulações de diferentes configurações de anodos em sistema de proteção catódica por corrente impressa da área externa de fundo de tanques de armazenamento. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE CORROSÃO, INTERCORR, 2016, Fortaleza. Proceedings.. Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 2016. 14 p.

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