Experimental analysis of wear of hot-forging dies

The wear of forging dies is an important issue in the manufacturing industry, given the impact of the tool cost on the final product cost and the search for forging with increasing dimensional accuracy. Thus, the knowledge of the behavior of dies under various tribological occurrences during the process allows an adequate choice of the material to be used in its manufacturing, the optimization of its geometry and a correct definition of the forging parameters. This work presents a contribution to the understanding of the wear of forging dies through the analysis of its topography and the monitoring of the damage generated during its use. For this purpose, forging dies made of two different tool steels were submitted to monitored hot forging cycles, with stops to characterize their surface. The results revealed asymmetries that allow a more global view of the way the damage occurs and, consequently, a better understanding of the process.

GONÇALVES, Alexandre; YAMANAKA, Douglas Mamoru; BRAGA, Anna Paola Villalva; SOUZA, R.M.; BOCCALINI JUNIOR, Mário. Experimental analysis of wear of hot-forging dies. In: SENAFOR, 38.; INTERNATIONAL FORGING CONFERENCE, 22., 2018, Porto Alegre. Proceedings… 9 p.

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