Design of self-compacting concrete for application in concrete walls casted on site


The Brazilian construction industry is experiencing a period of rapid growth enjoyed by the great housing demand and the growing population’s access to housing credit. This situation required the builders seek faster and more efficient of building and, therefore, technologies that allow rationalization of work, with quality, durability, structural safety and good aesthetic taste. In this context the concrete walls construction system was highlighted by offering the advantages of large-scale production without losing quality. In works where this construction system is applied the quality is guaranteed by the use of dimensional precision molds, materials with controlled production and planned and non-craft activities. In terms of constituent materials, specifically the concrete applied, among the recommended types for this construction system, the self-compacting concrete has two characteristics that make it a great alternative to this system: its placement is very fast, made usually by pumping; and it is a highly plastic mixture, eliminating the use of vibrators for its compaction. Thus, this paper aims to present a bibliography review on the concrete walls construction system, emphasizing the use of self-compacting concrete in its production. The assumptions verified from the literature have been considered in the study of mix design of self-compacting concrete focusing on the execution of concrete walls casted on site, under development at IPT/CT-OBRAS/LMCC.

CASTRO, Alessandra Lorenzetti de; SANTOS, Rafael Francisco Cardoso dos; ARAÚJO, Givani S. de. Dosagem de concreto auto-adensável para aplicação em paredes de concreto moldadas na obra. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DO CONCRETO, 54., 2012, Maceió. Anais… São Paulo: IBRACON, 2012. 15 p.

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