Effect of temperature on the sintering of WC-Co/Ni by pulsed electric current (SPS)



The tungsten carbide (WC), known as one of the hard metals, is widely used in machine tools, drills, metal wires, etc. Most of the WC-based products are obtained from the sintering of tungsten carbide powder, with a mainly cobalt-based binder phase. Currently, due to the scarcity, and somehow to the toxicity of cobalt, other metallic binders like Ni, Fe and Ti have been studied in order to obtain hard metals with properties similar to that of WC-Co. In this work the sintering of recycled WC-Co/Ni by SPS was studied. The powders were sintered in a high-density graphite mold at 1100 oC and 1150 oC for 1 minute at 600 MPa pressure. No variations were observed in the densification and hardness of both sintered compacts, which was 97 % and 1850 HV, respectively.

SILVA, M. da; FREDERICCI, Cátia; CRUZ, I. A.; TERTULIANO, A. J.; RODRIGUES, D.; MACHADO, I. F. Efeito da temperatura na sinterização por corrente elétrica pulsada (SPS) de WC(Co,Ni). In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CERÂMICA, 61., 2017, Gramado. Anais… p. 2403-2412.

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