Automation on metallurgical and mining industry with RFID technologies: a review


RFID is one of the driven technologies of the Internet of Things, and being used in solution in order to increase process efficiency, improve compliance deadlines reduce costs and increase revenue. Innovation with RFID in the metallurgy industry, materials and mining are at an early stage, but in rapid evolution and adoption. This work uses an integrative review methodology to assess which are the cases of automation RFID successfully employed in this sector. Also presents the main types of RFID, uses, and good implementation practices, as well as a survey of the work in technical and scientific journals over the last ten years on this subject.

PEREIRA, Matheus Jacon; AVANÇO, Leandro; SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago dos; LEAL, Adriano Galindo. Automação na indústria metalúrgica e de mineração com RFID: uma revisão integrativa. In: SEMINÁRIO DE AUTOMAÇÃO E TI INDUSTRIAL, 19., 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Anais.. São Paulo: ABM, 2015. 10 p.

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