Performance evaluation of acrylic varnish as protective coating for apparent concrete strucutres


The acrylic varnishes are widely used as coating finish in Brazil buildings. Besides these varnishes, the market offers other options due to the major technological advances of the chemical industry focused on construction. Among the varnish embodied in the market recently, can be cited those based on polyurethane, those highlighted enominados as anti-graffiti. The film of this type of varnish remains intact even after constant cleaning to remove graffiti on its surface. Thus, the anti-graffiti coating has a wider field of application and can also be a replacement job, generalized of acrylic lacquer in construction, since it besides not protect the facades against graffiti apparently performs lower barrier protection agents potentially more harmful to concrete. The objective of this study was to compare two protective coatings for concrete available in the market, a traditional acrylic and polyurethane another. This comparison was accomplished by means of characterization tests and performance tests to verify the performance of varnishes over two aggressive agents: carbon dioxide and chloride ions. The results confirmed the superiority of polyurethane lacquer over the anti-graffiti acrylic lacquer, both in performance characteristics such as a protective barrier.

ARAUJO, A. de; PANOSSIAN, Z. Avaliação de desempenho de verniz acrílico e verniz poliuretano antipichação como revestimento de proteção ás estruturas de concreto aparente. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO – INTERCORR, 28., 2008, Recife. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 2008.

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