School vehicle guidelines: social entrepreneurship in the branch of the confectionery for women mother heads of family in RMSP, São Paulo


The total number of residences with women in charge is a growing indicator, and more than half of Brazilian households are female-headed nuclear families. It was identified that the cities of Carapicuíba, Itapevi and Jandira do not have, implemented, any kind of entrepreneurship actions aimed at Women Heads of Families (WHF), and in these locations they represent a population that does not have elementary education, with an income of up to two minimum wages and at least one underage child. The main objective of the study was to propose, from the comprehension and perception of the individual’s sense, requirements for professional training, via vehicle-school, of WHF, benefiting the local and global society through social entrepreneurship. Among the types of vehicles studied, the vehicle V.U.C. (Urban Cargo Vehicle) with a variation of the configuration “students and teacher IN (inside)”, the side of the vehicle will be lowered on a “stage” and projected out of the car for greater student participation. The focus of the classes to be developed with the vehicle refers to the manufacture of honeybreads for sale, also being carried out actions aimed at teach-learning the management of a small enterprise such as this. The school vehicle, as proposed, would serve 10 students per period, that is, with 1 vehicle, 4 hours training, for 280 days, will be generated learning an opportunity to increase the income of families headed by women who will participate in the project.

ALMEIDA, Katia Reimy Kuwabara de; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves; MARIANO, Jefferson; BONIN, Luci Mendes de Melo. Diretrizes para veículo-escola: empreendedorismo social no ramo da confeiteria para mulheres mães chefe de família na RMSP, SP. Humanidades e Inovação, v.7, n.6, p.421-432, mar., 2020.

ALMEIDA, Katia Reimy Kuwabara de; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves. Diretrizes para veículo-escola: empreendimento social no ramo da confeitaria para mulheres mães chefe de família na RMSP. London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, v.20, n.1, p.1-12, 2020

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