Corrosion in nickel cladded reactors used for sodium silicate manufacture


The corrosion observed in two reactors used for sodium silicate manufacture was investigated. The reactors were made in carbon steel ASTM A-516 gr 70 cladded with nickel SB/62-200. Cracks caused by stress corrosion cracking were found both at the botton and ceiling of the reactors, due to the high carbon content and tensile residual stresses in nickel cladding. A type of localized corrosion was also observed throughout the internal surface of both reactors. It was ascribed to a weakly adherent nickel oxide film unable to withstand the erosive action of sand particles present inside the reactors. The growth of this type of film was related to the temperature used in the manufacture.

PANOSSIAN KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; GATT, G. Corrosão de reatores cladeados com níquel para fabricação de silicato de sódio. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE CORROSÃO, 14., 1987, São Paulo. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1987. v. 1, p. 190-201. (IPT Pub. 1954)

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