Caracterização petrográfica de argamassas aplicadas e com prolongada idade de cura em ambiente de laboratório


This work presents the results of petrographic examinations in 11 different mortars made with single or mixed binders, in varied combinations of Portland cement and hydrated limes, such as calcic lime (CHI) and dolomitic lime (CHIII), from a long-term study conducted at the IPT- Institute for Technological Research. This stage refers to mortars applied manually in concrete blocks and maintained for 17 years in a laboratory environment. This study comprises the observation and description of the carbonated phases of the binder, as well as characterizing the arrangement and morphology of the porosity of mortar, using the petrographic analysis technique supported by transmitted light microscopy. The results were evaluated and compared with the petrographic examinations of these mortars with 13 years old, from prismatic test specimens.

OLIVEIRA, Mírian Cruxên Barros de; CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo; CINCOTTO, Maria Alba. Caracterização petrográfica de argamassas aplicadas e com prolongada idade de cura em ambiente de laboratório. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 11., 2015, Porto Alegre. Anais… 22 p.

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