Avaliação de aditivo impermeabilizante por cristalização capilar para concretos de cimento Portland.


This paper aims to present a laboratory evaluation of the use an admixture added to the concrete as crystallizing waterproofing. It’s an evaluation of a powdered admixture added to the fresh concrete during the mixing process, which forms a sealing system of action of deep and permanent protection against the penetration of water under pressure, humidity and react with free lime, with this in particular crystals that seal forming microcracks and pores of the concrete against the passage of water or moisture into the interior of the structures. When compared with the reference concrete, without the admixture, there is a 25% reduction in the penetration of water under pressure, in tests performed according to ABNT NBR 10787:2011.

HARTMANN, Carine; CASTRO, Alessandra Lorenzetti de; TONETTE, Heitor; ALEIXO, Daniel; FERRAZ, Danila; BENINI, Humberto. Avaliação de aditivo impermeabilizante por cristalização capilar para concretos de cimento Portland.In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DO CONCRETO, 54., 2012, Maceió. Anais… São Paulo: IBRACON, 2012. 8p.

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