Análise comparativa do potencial de ocorrências de bolores em diferentes sistemas construtivos


In the face of recurrent problems related to mold proliferation in buildings constructed with solid concrete walls, this work aims to analyze if these problems are directly related to this constructive system, by making a comparative of the potential for molds formation on different walls configurations. Using the Biohygrothermal model applied to a typical project of social housing, under conditions of low ventilation and high occupancy, it was verified that the system with solid concrete walls presents greater potential for mold proliferation, under the conditions analyzed.

AFONSO, Thiago M.; BRITO, Adriana Camargo; AKUTSU, Maria. Análise comparativa do potencial de ocorrências de bolores em diferentes sistemas construtivos. In: WORKSHOP DE TECNOLOGIA DE PROCESSOS E SISTEMAS CONSTRUTIVOS, 2., 2019, São Paulo. Anais… 6 p.

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