Routine inspection of concrete structures exposed to aggressive atmospheres


A routine inspection is an activity whose objective is to assess the condition of concrete structures providing guidelines for an effective maintenance with an appropriate cost-benefit. With both practices, the functions of the structure may be fulfilled and its useful life may be extended. The inspection activity makes use of different techniques; the main one is a detailed visual inspection of the structure. Based on the intensity and severity of the pathological manifestations observed in this inspection plus the knowledge of environmental aggressiveness and the characteristics and use of the structures, other techniques may be applied. The application of other techniques associated with the visual inspection is important due to the latter’s limiting the evaluation to the concrete surface.This association is required for some deterioration processes to be detected early and also for ensuring an accurate diagnosis of the causes of deterioration. Usually, the visual examination is associated with tests that verify the presence of aggressive agents and chemical changes in concrete and to detect nonvisible defects, such as reinforcement corrosion. Eventually, tests are conducted to determine the physical and mechanical properties of concrete to verify the presence of stray currents to determine the electrical conductivity and also to evaluate the surface coatings. The application of such tests and the visual inspection are discussed in this paper.

ARAUJO, Adriana de; PANOSSIAN, Zehbour. Inspeção rotineira de estruturas de concreto armado expostas a atmosferas agressivas. Téchne, v. 19, n. 177, p. 58-64, dez., 2011.

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