Influence of the presence of soluble salts in rendering plaster in the detachment of synthetic resin plaster


In the last quadrennium there was a considerable increase in pathological manifestations in coatings systems composed of inorganic mortars + textured synthetic plaster (TSP) or latex paints in walls subject to the action of humidity, for example, due to the efflorescence of soluble salts. This work shows the methodology used in the identification of the causes of detachment of textured synthetic coatings. The data obtained in loco show excess moisture in the plaster system and presence of friable material at the TSP-interface. The laboratory results corroborated the data in loco, indicating that the plaster mortar has soluble salts and a high coefficient of capillary absorption.

BECERE, Osmar Hamilton; SANTOS, Alexandre Cordeiro dos; AUGUSTO, Leandro. Metodologia empregada na identificação de descolamento de revestimento sintético texturizado aplicado sobre emboço de parede e fachadas devido a presença de umidade e sais solúveis. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE TECNOLOGIA DAS ARGAMASSAS, 13., 2019, Goiânia, 2019. Anais… 6 p.

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