Subdivision of hysteresis loss in Mn-Zn ferrite toroidal cores


The hysteresis loss subdivision method proved to be a strong tool to help in the analysis of different energy dissipation mechanisms along the quasi-static hysteresis loop measured on electrical steels. This paper used the same method to discuss the mechanisms involving the energy loss dissipation in Mn-Zn ferrite toroidal cores. The samples, sintered under controlled atmosphere in industrial conditions, were measured under triangular waveform excitation at very low frequency (5 mHz) and peak flux densities varying from 0.05 T to 0.45 T. The results show a different behavior between the low inductions hysteresis loss (WLI) and the high induction hysteresis loss (WHI) which proves the existence of different energy dissipation mechanisms affecting these loss components.

LANDGRAF, Fernando José Gomes; LÁZARO-COLÁN, V.A.; JANASI, S.R.; LEICHT. J. Subdivision of hysteresis loss in Mn-Zn ferrite toroidal cores. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v. 48, n. 4, p. 1570-1572, 2012.

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