Learning by planting: education for future citizens (bookchapter)


The presence of vegetation in cities is synonymous with a better quality of life, since plants play an important role in improving the quality of the air and thermal comfort, have a positive impact on our physical and mental health among other environmental benefits, and bring harmony and beauty to the landscape (Amato-Lourenço et al. 2016; Tyrväinen 2019; Salbitano 2019). Studies developed by São Paulo City Hall – PMSP in Brazil state that only 16.36% of the city is occupied by green areas, in which 10.24% is in the urban area and 6.12% in the rural area (Silva, 1993 apud PMSP 1989, 1). In the city of São Paulo, the vegetation is unevenly distributed and corresponds to approximately 42.2% of its 1,521,110 km² territory (PMSP 2014). Greener areas are found in higher income neighborhoods, while poorer and marginalized areas of the city have limited green areas. As a consequence, a large part of the population suffers from environmental inequality lacking a healthy environment and suffering a poor quality of life and health.

AMARAL, Raquel Dias de Aguiar Moraes; VELASCO, Giuliana Del Nero; SOUZA, Caroline Almeida; TUPIASSU, Assucena; IELO, Paula Kaori Yamamura.; SOLERA, Maria Lucia. Learning by planting: education for future citizens. In: GALLI, Christos; SHIN, Won Sop. Forests for public health. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2020. p.1-8.

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