Geological and geotechnical risk management plans

The occurrence of geological and geotechnical processes (landslides, erosion, washout, silting, flooding, collapse and subsidence) affect practically all Brazilian regions, in both urban and rural areas and at enterprises. These processes may lead to loss of human life, as well as the evident economic and environmental damages.

IPT has a long-standing record in identifying and mapping such processes and analyzing the associated risks. We perform researches and services involving the preparation of diagnoses and prognoses for accident prevention, stabilization and recovery of affected areas, recommending structural and nonstructural preventive and mitigating measures, and developing management plans for risk areas. We also perform hydro-sediment monitoring, developing and applying new methodologies for land and water use management.

The Institute also acts in emergency situations, training and updating technical teams from public bodies and from the general population, working jointly with municipal, state and federal civil defense units, employing methodologies (developed by their teams) accepted and adopted as reference by many different national institutions.

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