Analysis of chemical agents for evaluation of occupational risks

An important tool for evaluating occupational risks is monitoring the exposure of workers to chemical agents, indicating the need for intervention in the process to minimize contact and prevent occupational diseases or lesions.

Monitoring in Brazil is regulated by the Department of Health and Safety of the Labor Ministry, by means of its Regulatory Rules (NRs).

IPT offers support for evaluation of chemical occupational risks, performing analyses of different agents, such as benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX), total and breathable dust, free crystalline silica (silicon dioxide), amorphous silica, metallic dust and smoke, among others.

The analyses offered are based on Brazilian and internationally recognized methods, developed by bodies such as NIOSH, OSHA and Fundacentro. Results are expressed so as to allow comparison with exposure limits of NR-15, ACGIH or others, depending on the client’s request. The Institute also offers recognized laboratory competence and a large diversity of analytical techniques. IPT performs the chemical analyses; however, planning, sampling and risk evaluation are the responsibility of the client or a professional of the occupational health area under contract to the client.

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