Identification of volatile organic contaminants in various materials

Solvents, dilutants and dispersants are chemical products that can dissolve other materials and which may consist of a single chemical substance or a mixture of several substances, normally volatile and flammable.

Volatile substances are easily inhaled and may be introduced into the body through breathing through the mouth or nose, or by skin contact. The toxicity of some solvents may inhibit brain activity and affect spinal cord function, diminishing the functional ability of the central nervous system. Therefore, it is fundamental to control the residual content of solvents in products for human consumption as well as residual monomers, volatile substances and substances with low molecular weight originating from incomplete polymerization processes.

IPT verifies the presence of residual solvents (aliphatic, aromatic, halogenated and nitrogenated) normally originating from inadequate drying processes, and residual monomers in both polymers and complex formulations, contained in products such as medical drugs, hospital materials, food packaging, cosmetics, pipes for drinking water and products for infant use, among others.

Examples of this activity include:
  • Vinyl chloride in nipples, baby bottles, pacifiers, etc.
  • Styrene and dichloromethane in PVC (polyvinyl chloride) tubing
  • Solvents in packaging for cookies, chocolates, starchy foods, etc.
  • Acrylic monomers in polyacrylates
  • Acrolein in water and in glycerin
  • Benzene in lipsticks and cosmetic products in general

IPT determines the presence and quantity of these substances in different materials. To this end, IPT has equipment and highly qualified multidisciplinary teams to evaluate and interpret analytical results, using headspace, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques.

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