Characterization and evaluation of special papers


IPT has technical capability and laboratory infrastructure to characterize and assist in the development of special papers. Additionally it offers analysis packages for specific products, which include:
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  • Dental-medical-hospital packaging papers: papers intended for packaging of sterile health products, for application in dental, medical, hospital and laboratory practice, which are associated with health actions and services. IPT evaluates the products based on performance requirements set out in ABNT NBR 14990 standard – Systems of packaging materials for sterilization of health products and their parts.
  • Paper for contact with foods: these papers may contain only materials mentioned on the positive list of Regulation 177 of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and their use is subject to restrictions. IPT offers several analyses for these papers, including total and specific migration, the latter normally used for determining the presence of heavy metals, and migration of optical bleaching agents and dyes.
  • Thermal printing paper: paper impregnated with chemical substances which appear when exposed to heat. These papers are used in cashier printing slips, banking receipts and fax machines. IPT performs characterization tests and printing quality evaluation on thermal papers and aging tests to verify the permanence of the print and the paper.

In addition to these papers, IPT can develop test methodologies, characterization and evaluation of other types of paper on demand.


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