Estudo preliminar de funções ITS aplicadas na operação de sistemas BRT (book chapter)


The paper makes a preliminary study of ITS functions that can be used for BRT systems. These features should not be regarded as basic requirements to be adopted in BRT systems. The Commission’s work is in progress and the next steps will focus on describing the relationship of each actor with the ITS functionality, and integration of these possible benefits for each actor. Despite the generalization of settings and features, it should be noted that this study focuses on ITS solutions for operating trunk routes.

MARTE, Claudio Luiz; SILVA, André Luiz da; DANTAS, André; AZEVEDO, Denis Balzana ; SEPULCRI NETO, José Carlos; GRILLO, Julio; CERENTINI, Sergio Antonio Pavanatto. Estudo preliminar de funções ITS aplicadas na operação de sistemas BRT. In: ANTP. Sistemas inteligentes de transporte. São Paulo, 2012. cap. 6, p. 100-121. (Série Cadernos Técnicos, 8)

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