Modelagem computacional do escoamento de esgoto em redes coletoras assentadas em declividades drasticamente reduzidas usando as equações de Saint-Venant e de Boussinesq


Computational modeling based on the Saint-Venant and Boussinesq equations was developed aiming to describe the flow of discharges in sewage collection networks provided by the discharge generating device (DGD) that generates efficient flow in the transport of solids. Three numerical methods were associated with the equations: characteristics method, Cormack method and two-four method. The discharge of the DGD into sewage collecting pipes generates a steep and turbulent front wave that presents oscillation of the depth in the wave front. Multiplicative factors involving friction and intensity of vertical water accelerations were incorporated into the modeling process in the model validation process. Wave peak depth oscillations required the use of Boussinesq hypotheses in an associated manner with friction variation and intensity of vertical accelerations. The validation process showed good adherence of the model to laboratory measurements. The modeling proved useful for the application in sewage collection networks in flat areas, because the discharges of DGDs provide the fulfillment of self-cleaning criteria with drastic reduction of pipe slope. A sample pilot application is displayed.

ALVES, Wolney Castilho; ZANELLA, Luciano. Modelagem computacional do escoamento de esgoto em redes coletoras assentadas em declividades drasticamente reduzidas usando as equações de Saint-Venant e de Boussinesq. In: PANIAGUA, Cleiseano Emaniel da Silva. (Org.). Base de conhecimentos gerados na engenharia ambiental e sanitária, 3. Ponta Grossa: Atena, 2021. Cap.12. 253-267.

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